Submit new School details

Revision as of 13:11, 5 April 2022 by Anthony (talk | contribs)
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Please email the following attachments to so we can set up your school without delay:

This Word file lets us know the name of the headteacher, attendance preferences, and teacher/class names.

  • 2. A high-quality school logo.

The image file can be in JPEG, PNG, or BMP format.

  • 3. Examples of how you want your reports to look for each key stage.

You can attach Word documents or scanned examples.

  • 4. A list of pupils

If you like, we can import a CSV file which is easily exportable from most management systems, eg SIMS

The file needs to have the following headings: UPN, Forename, KnownAs (optional), Surname, Gender, Form or Class, and optionally DOB, EMail, KnownAs and Year (for mixed year classes).

You can also manually add pupil data if you wish.

Alternatively you can fax these documents to 01772 369522 (do not fax the pupil list).