Control codes

Revision as of 03:39, 11 February 2021 by Anthony (talk | contribs)
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Click 'Show `Commands' to toggle view.

Control codes are used to replace text, most of these codes can be used in your report text, layouts, subject titles, exported text and rtf templates.

To see the control codes in your report simply click the main toolbar's View menu then select 'Show commands', to return to normal just click it again.

Male or female

If there is a '/' character in-between [ and ] then the word to the left of the / is chosen if the pupil is male, else the word to the right of the / is chosen if the pupil is female. For example [boy/girl], [his/hers], etc...

Date of birth

[dob,day] Day of week
[dob,day3] Day of week (3 letter format)
[dob,d] Day of month
[dob,dd] Day of month (2 digit format)
[dob,month] Month of year
[dob,month3] Month of year (3 letter format)
[dob,m] Numeric month
[dob,mm] Numeric month (2 digit format)
[dob,yyyy] Year
[dob,yy] Year (2 digit format)

Current date

[date,day] Day of week
[date,day3] Day of week (3 letter format)
[date,d] Day of month
[date,dd] Day of month (2 digit format)
[date,month] Month of year
[date,month3] Month of year (3 letter format)
[date,m] Numeric month
[date,mm] Numeric month (2 digit format)
[date,yyyy] Year
[date,yy] Year (2 digit format)
[date,yyyy-1] Last year
[date,yy-1] Last year (2 digit format)


[sessions] Sessions or days text
[attended] Sessions/days attended
[attended%] Sessions/days attended %
[authorised] Authorised sessions/days off
[authorised%] Authorised sessions/days off %
[unauthorised] Unauthorised sessions/days off
[unauthorised%] Unauthorised sessions/days off %
[late] Late sessions/days
[late%] Late sessions/days %
[absences] Total sessions/days off
[absences%] Total sessions/days off %
[total] Total sessions/days in school year


[form] or [class] Class name
[year] Year
[upn] UPN
[name] Name in current format
[forename] Official forename
[knownas] or [alias] Normal forename
[surname] Surname
[portrait] Portrait image


[teachers] 's' if more than one teacher
[teacher] or [classteacher] Class teacher names
[head] or [headteacher] Head teacher name
[deputy] or [deputyhead] Deputy head teacher name
[signature] Teacher signature graphics
[signature,head] or [signature,headteacher] Head teacher signature
[signature,deputy] or [signature,deputyhead] Deputy head teacher signature


[subject] Name
[language] Language name, eg French
[country] Country name, eg France
[grades] Grades


[b] Bold on
[/b] Bold off
[i] Italics on
[/i] Italics off
[u] Underline on
[/u] Underline off
[s] Strikeout on
[/s] Strikeout off
[l] Left justify on
[/l] Left justify off
[r] Right justify on
[r,reverse] Right justify with reverse text
[/r] Right justify off
[c] Center text on
[/c] Center text off
[red] Red text on
[/red] Red text off
[green] Green text on
[/green] Green text off
[blue] Blue text on
[/blue] Blue text off
[purple] Purple text on
[/purple] Purple text off
[pink] Pink text on
[/pink] Pink text off

Special characters and graphics

[logo] school logo image
[image] image
[smile,n] Smile graphic where n = 1 to 5
[bullet,n] Bullet graphic where n = 0 (default) to 15
[tick,n] Tick graphic where n = 1 to 4
[cross,n] Cross graphic where n = 1 to 4


[report] Report name
[school] School name
[pageno] Current page
[pageno+1] Current page + 1

Experimental (subject to change)
